Saturday, March 12, 2022

Vikki's Chicken Parm Pizza

Make the crust.  

Mix together
2 lbs. ground chicken
2 eggs
Parmesan cheese (about 1/2 cup)
Italian bread crumbs (about 1 cup)
Orgeano, Salt and Pepper

I used a a 13 x 9 cookie sheet lined with Parchment paper.  Mix the ground chicken, eggs, Parmesan Cheese, bread crumbs and salt and pepper.

Spread and flatten the crust mixture on the cookie sheet.  Sprinkle with a little more bread crumbs.

Spray with Pam and then bake in the oven at 400 for about 25-30 min.

Once the crust is done. Top with marinara sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese and shredded mozzarella.  Sprinkle with some oregano.

Put back in the oven and back until cooked, cheese is melty and looks like a pizza.  

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